Visit our new Facebook group site: “Scarborough, Looking Back”

To help keep the public informed about our heritage and in an attempt to open wider discussions, our Facebook group has been up and running for a year now and gathering tremendous interest.

Over 7,000 people have visited our group to look at the hundreds of photos we have uploaded, add their own comments and photos, and participated in our weekly photo quiz.

If you use Facebook, use the “search” area to find our new Facebook group site called: “Scarborough Looking Back

Join the group and then add your own comments, post photos or just read more about your community. Through this new internet outlet there’s a link to the Society’s website and an opportunity for non-members to express their memories and perhaps consider joining the Society as a member.

Facebook is not just for the youth, 56% of our Facebook visitors are over 45 and live as far away as western Canada / USA, England (66 people) and even Australia (16 viewers)

2010 funding from Keg Spirit Foundation

Following up on the success of our partnership project with the Scarborough Museum and the Keg Spirit Foundation in 2008, the Scarborough Historical Society has been awarded funding for 2010 to continue development of our youth engagement projects!

In 2008, the Scarborough Historical Society and the Scarborough Museum partnered with the Keg Spirit Foundation to engage youth in an exciting project creating digital community history. This pilot project resulted in a beautiful and thoughtful youth driven photo book.

We would like to express our thanks to the Keg Spirit Foundation for their support in making Scarborough an even stronger community.