Notes and Comments

volume 25 thumbFrom the first time the lonesome sound of a train whistle was heard in the wilds of Scarborough in 1856 to today’s green and white double decker GO trains,  Scarborough’s railway history is examined in Volume 25 of the Scarborough Historical Society’s “Notes and Comments.”

The Grand Trunk Railway, the first to lay track through the Township, changed the landscape forever, creating communities that survive to this day such as Scarborough Village and Scarborough Junction.  Some however have completely disappeared,  Port Union being a good example.  

The Toronto and Nipissing was possibly the first narrow gauge common carrier to operate in North America,  starting its northern trek on its own 3’6’’ track at Scarborough Junction. The same right of way is used today by the Stouffville GO train.   

The Ontario and Quebec was a railway that owned its own track but no locomotives or rolling stock,  preferring to lease the line to the Canadian Pacific Railway for 999 years. The lease is up in the year 2883 by the way.   

The Canadian Northern came and went with little benefit to Scarborough other than many years later giving the Bloor Danforth subway line a convenient way to get from Victoria Park to Warden station using their old right of way. 

Over the years Scarborough was the home of six attractive and interesting railway stations which were located at Scarborough Junction, Scarborough Village,  Port Union, two in Agincourt and one in Malvern. Sadly none have survived.  Interesting locomotives and complete trains have also graced our borders over the years such as:  the Toronto and Nipissing’s unique double ended Fairley that blew up in Stouffville on January 31, 1874;  the Canadian National’s mammoth 4100 series locomotives that were used to help heavily laden freight trains up the Scarborough grade to Scarborough Junction from the late 1920’s to the mid 50’s and who could forget much ballyhooed state of the art Turbo and LRC trains that carried passengers through Scarborough from the 1970’s to the early 2000’s.  

For a more detailed history of the History of Railways in Scarborough, the Society has published a booklet on the topic: “Railways Through Scarborough” (Notes and Comments, Volume # 25.   (See our “Shop” to place your order)  Copies of the booklet are also available from the Scarborough Archives @ $ 10.00 each (postage include).   Send cheque (payable to Scarborough Archives) along with your  name and address to Scarborough Historical Society, 8282 Kingston Road, Scarborough, ON M1C 1K9.

Feb. 27- Mar. 1: Heritage Showcase at Scarborough Town Centre

Scarborough Heritage Showcase

Article by Rick Schofield

Heritage Day or Family Day is the third Monday of February, and Heritage Week gives us a chance to look back at our community’s history. Unfortunately, Sears court was not available that week. However, to mark the occasion, our annual Heritage Showcase display was set up in the Scarborough Town Centre at Sears Court on the weekend of Feb. 27-March 1st, 2015.

Scarborough’s documented history is barely 200 years old, yet local heritage is something on which we can all reflect, regardless of our ancestral roots.

During the post war boom, developers quickly transformed open farmland into streets of closely packed houses, commercial buildings and industry. By 1955, the population had surpassed 100,000 and Scarborough had become one of the federated municipalities of Metropolitan Toronto. Aerial photographs from the Scarborough Archives dating from 1949-1970s illustrate the rapid transformation of the landscape and were on display.

In 1998, with a population of more than half a million, municipal government was amalgamated into a new City of Toronto but community names such as Scarborough, Agincourt, Highland Creek and West Hill are still recognized Our municipal government has changed, but the Scarborough community names still survive.
As we celebrate Heritage Week 2015, we reflect briefly upon the days when early settlers set out to clear the land and build homes for their families.

Once again, the Scarborough Historical Society and Archives set up a Heritage Showcase display at Sears Court in the Scarborough Town Centre, during regular shopping centre hours from Friday, Feb. 27 to Sunday, March 1st, 2015.
Archives’ volunteers were on hand to meet the general public, answer questions about our heritage and display the archives’ extensive photo collection for all to view.

Residents were invited to come look at the hundreds of post war aerial photographs showing the development of Scarborough and look through community photo albums filled with street scenes and historic landmarks.

Those interested in Scarborough’s history can also visit our Facebook page: “Scarborough, Looking Back

The United Empire Loyalists: Pioneers of Ontario

Our programme  on January 27th was “The United Empire Loyalists: Pioneers of Ontario” and it was well attended  JoAnn Tuskin UE, the Governor Simcoe Branch Secretary and Genealogist  was the guest speaker. Her talk and presentation included the reason why the Loyalists had to leave the U.S., where they settled, land grants, and information about her researched  family tree. She even met a 4th cousin in the audience that she did not know.

The Scarborough Historical Society hosts programmes on the 4th Tuesday of each month from January to April and from September to November. All programmes begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Bendale Public Library and are free and open to the public.


Victorian Funeral Follies

The Scarborough Historical Society annual general meeting was held on November 25, 2014. Our guest speaker for the evening was Julie Oakes, a costumer at the Pickering Museum Village

Julie presented an interesting and light-hearted programme related to Victorian funeral practices and customs. She talked about Victorian mourning attire, caskets with bells attached, and many other traditions. All in attendance were entertained and the programme was followed by many questions from the audience.

The Scarborough Historical Society hosts programmes on the 4th Tuesday of each month from January to April and from September to November. All programmes begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Bendale Public Library and are free and open to the public.

Presenters Julie Oakes and Don Allen
SHS Funeral images