Pre-Settlement Indigenous History (UTSC)

In partnership with the Scarborough Archives, UTSC student volunteers have created an archival guide focusing on pre-settlement Indigenous History. In conjunction with the Archive Guide, students have also catalogued all of the material pertaining to Indigenous history. The Pre-Settlement Indigenous History Collection includes information on archaeological sites, educational material and other research materials. The creation of an archival guide not only preserves the available material on pre-settlement Indigenous history but also increases accessibility to this information, as well as ensuring the preservation of this material for future archive users.

This collection includes the following material:

  1. Archival Guide (Hard Copies available at the Scarborough Archives)
  2. Overview of Key Archeological Sites
  3. Brief Highlight of Tabor Hill Site
  4. Photo Gallery of Tabor Hill Site

Link to the Archival Guide of available materials on Indigenous History at the Scarborough Archives

Full Documents Available at the Scarborough Archives

**Note certain documents have been excluded for privacy concerns