A portrait gallery of the Reeves and Mayors of Scarborough.
(In chronological order)
Township of Scarborough Reeves:

Peter Secor, 1850

J.P. Wheler, 1851-1853, 1855-1864, 1871-1875

Reeve John Torrance, 1854

D. G. Stephenson, 1865, 1877-1880

T. Brown, 1866

George Chester, 1867-1870, 1876

John Richardson, 1881-1894

James Chester, 1895

Lyman Kennedy, 1896-1901

Alfred Young, 1902-1907

W.D. Annis, 1908-1912

James George Cornell, 1913-1919

J. T. Stewart, 1920-1921

E. M. Croker, 1922

T. E. Allen, 1926

George Moore, 1927, 1935

G. B. Little, 1928-1931

F. L. Barchard, 1932

Reeve T. H. Sanders, 1933-1934

Reeve B. J. Wheeler, 1936-38

Reeve Burton L. Clutterbuck, 1939-1945

A. P. Wheler, 1946

R. H. Palmer, 1947

Oliver E. Crockford, 1948-1955

August (Gus) Harris, 1956
Borough of Scarborough Mayors:

Albert M. Campbell, Reeve 1957-1966. Mayor 1967-1969
1969 – 1972 : Robert W. White
1973 – 1978 : Paul Cosgrove
1978 : Ken Morrish – interim
1979 – 1983 : Gus Harris
City of Scarborough Mayors:

August (Gus) Harris, 1983-1987
1988 – 1993 : Joyce Trimmer

Frank Faubert, 1994-1998